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The Creation of a Team… In FIFA 12

The statement in the design is actually true.

As I am a fan of the old game of foot-to-ball, I take much pleasure in playing ‘the beautiful game’. In real life, I am an amazing talent. Not really, but this is my blog, so I can get away with saying such things. Since the past two years of so, I have taken a liking to playing EA Sports FIFA titles. I had bought FIFA 10 on the PlayStation 3 as well as FIFA 11. Naturally, when FIFA 12 was announced with a raft of new changes, I felt obliged to part with my hard-earned cash again; Only this time, I went overboard and bought it on 3 platforms: PlayStation 3, X-Box 360 and PC. All I can say is that I like beating people, and all of my friends own different gaming platforms.

Playing on the PC I became pretty bored of playing the same old league with the same teams and same outcomes. So I stumbled across the EA Sports Creation Centre. At the Creation Centre you can create your own teams, players and tournaments. So as a test, I decided to make a team based on the group I play games with, IMD. Because I know these people quite well, I was able to figure out where to put everyone in the team. With the team in place and tactics nailed, me being ever the perfectionist, I wanted the team to look good and look like a legitimate football team within the world of FIFA. This is why I enlisted the help of my friend Andrew Evans (you may have seen me go on about his blog a couple of times).

I asked Andrew to help me design the team crest and he come up with a few good designs. The final design was the one you see at the top of this post. It looks good and goes well into the game. Now I find myself playing FIFA more than ever since I can use my team to play the likes of Arsenal and Liverpool etc.